Database usability enhanced to streamline legal administration services

Problems to solve

Process General is a high-profile database of case information for lawyers and individuals involved in a bankruptcy proceeding. The founders of the application wanted to improve the accessibility of bankruptcy case information to streamline legal administration services and let lawyers achieve exceptional outcomes for clients in a more time-efficient way.

The key challenge for Merixstudio was:

  • improving user experience by designing better usability and findability of data so that clients can attract more users and keep their retention high,
  • redesigning Information Architecture and pointing a way of reshaping the app based on data-driven decisions,
  • removing the pain points discovered during the workshop session e.g. the need for greater flexibility of the tool, work automation.



weeks to complete the redesign


wireframed screens after the Workshop


parties in the Process General’s database


hours of a videocon during an online Product Design Workshop



Django REST Framework
Celery Beat


UX Audit
Online Product Discovery Workshops
Material UI






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No items found.

We improved the usability and findability of data by redesigning Information Architecture and simplifying user paths. The whole process was initiated by UX audit that identified the specific areas that needed refinement. This gave us a fair ground for working on accurate planning and execution of product development - this, however, was shaped with a client during online Product Design Workshops. During 3 online sessions, we discussed: the value proposition, main assumptions, and priorities for development, re-definition of target users, Information Architecture structure, the scope of features to be developed, and technology and solutions that will be used. The key objectives were to increase findability, usability, increase esthetics, decreasing bugs and not working features.

We proceeded with an intensive iterative wireframing of the new solution in a multidisciplinary team of UX, PM, and Python developer so that the feedback loop is shortened and the solution is robust from the early stages. The wireframes were eventually implemented with customized Material Design which let us speed up the process. Other goals to achieve were integration with Pacer, an electronic public access service of United States federal court records, to automatically download documents and introducing the mobile version of the app. During the development, we followed Scrum practices and organized work in one-week sprints that served as a framework for delivery of the new features. 

Key features

Database of case information

an extensive listing of the documents related to certain bankruptcy cases

Database management

improvement of the admin panel to allow adding documents with a different structure and resolve problems with uploading documents to the application to reduce the amount of manual work

Submitting an inquiry

getting detailed data regarding the case (debtors, court, amount of claim, etc.)

Extensive search

search and filter option to find the claim, documents, schedules

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