It is said that Polish king of weak jokes is his uncle. Considering the similarity of surnames and a passion for this kind of anecdotes, it may be truth. Besides, Oskar seems to be a big lover of all kind of sweets. So it's easy to win his warmth by bringing some cake to the office. One thing is clear; you can't say that Oskar is shy. His friendliness and forthrightness create a truly explosive combination. Oskar also has quite an unusual hobby - auto detailing (to make it clear, he treats cars like a stylist who can make a gorgeous princess from any Cinderella among cars). According to his Front-buddies, Oskar is just a "typical good mate".
- Tell us something about yourself.
Calm and cool-headed, but... not every time! I like tidiness, cars, and good coffee. When I learn about new things, I always have to see and understand exactly how it works.
- What are your main responsibilities at Merxistudio?
Mainly front-end stuff. So I transform designers fantasy into the code which will work correctly everywhere. Moreover, apps and animations are my cups of tea.
- How do you work? What is important to you while working?
I try to work in a line with my daily TODO list by splitting tasks into individual stages of development. My favorite editor, SublimeText, together with its extensions is the secret of my good workflow. But the most important is the coffee in the morning. And also, yerba when I am run of an energy.
- Tell us something about your beginnings in the company.
My first day at Merixstudio was very nice. In the beginning, I met the rules and style of coding. Then I got my first project. To remember it all was the biggest difficulty for me. But I had the guide - Paweł was taking a look at what I'm doing. With time, I got more and more projects.
- What have you learned while working in Merixstudio?
Thanks to the work at Merixstudio, I've hugely broadened my knowledge about JS. I have also learned how to work as a team and how to organize my work time. I've gained some experience in working with the back-end.
- What do you like about working at Merixstudio?
Transparency in my responsibilities, an understanding of the boss, and excellent, humorous atmosphere.
- What was the biggest challenge you faced while working at the Merixstudio?
The final of Kopanito's tournament :D
- What cool things have you worked on at MerixStudio?
It's hard to pick one, but I think it's the interactive Christmas card we created for the company from Germany.
- When did you make a decision that you want to work in IT?
I think it was in the middle school when I started wondering how websites work and how to create them. It was a time of HTML tables sites, marquee, and other oddities. Then I gradually gained more and more knowledge, posted on forums, watched tutorials and finally I started to work in IT industry.
- What do you think is most difficult (and most interesting) in your work as a Frontend Developer?
The hardest thing is to reconcile possibilities of HTML with designer's flamboyance and client's corrections :D The most interesting is a variety of projects.
- The first thing you do when you arrive at the office.
Make coffee.
- iOS or Android?
- What do you do in your free time after work?
Together with my girlfriend, we like to cook up. Besides, the free time I spend on my hobby which is auto detailing. It seems that I have more car cosmetics than my own. :D
- The best hero from your childhood is...
Son Goku.
- Beer or vodka?
...and whiskey :D
- Sport?
Wrestling, soccer, and volleyball.
- Dog or cat?
Dog. Mine.

- Which website do you visit the most?
- Favorite app.
- The light or dark side?
The light one.
- If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be?
It couldn't be Wykop because it links everything to other sites. So I think I would choose Wikipedia.
- If you could have your dream job, what it would be?
With great pleasure, I would substitute for Stig from Top Gear.
- Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
Yes, I want to learn about some new framework.
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