Let me start with some information about our company. Merixstudio is a creative software house. We’ve been creating websites, designs, software and web application for over 19 years. The company is made up of people from different fields - they are the essential component of Merix life.
We’re constantly growing, and we’d love to have even more talented people on board. As a result, we’re still looking for technical and non-technical candidates to join our team.
A lot of information about working in Merixstudio you can find by searching through our website. Open job offers and career paths are published in the careers page.
Still, a job interview can be a very stressful situation to be in, and I want to make it easier to deal with it for you. So that, as an HR Manager, I’d love to share how the recruitment process in Merixstudio looks like and what to expect.
The first step - requirements and your skills
Before you send us your resume, make sure you meet our requirements. We’re looking mainly for regular and senior specialists. Does it mean that you can’t apply if you’re a junior developer? Of course not! We’re sure that you’re a fast learner and you can catch up on your software development skills. Also, I recommend taking part in one of our events - Dev College or Django Hotspot. Participating in them is an excellent opportunity to talk with Merix folks, verify your skills, and take a look at the place where we work every day.

If you’re an expert who wants to change the environment or looking for new challenges and is not afraid to speak English, you’re in the right place.
The most important criteria:
- you have experience in working in a software house,
- you are a fluent English speaker,
- you are a team player and have great communication skills,
- you’re passionate about new technologies,
- don’t like corp style and enjoy walking around wearing slippers ;)
Are you ready to apply? Hold on - first update your resume :)
Please, remember to update the experience section, add information such as working places and the main duties. Point out your tech stack and projects you were working on will be awesome. To make it easier to get to know you and your skills, you can attach portfolio, GitHub link or LinkedIn profile.
How to join Merixstudio
1. Send your resume
Once you polish your resume, find the job offer that is the most interesting for you and click apply button. You can see the button under every proposal. While you found it somewhere outside our website, it should always be the link to our site. If you have any questions, just let me know by sending a message at jobs@merixstudio.com.
After applying you will receive a confirmation email to let you know that we got your resume.
When you’re sending your CV, don’t forget to attach an information clause that is GDPR compliant.
2. Fulfill the questionnaire
If you pass the selection phase (it means when your profile will fit our requirements), we will send you our questionnaire and ask you to specify your skills and competencies. This is rather an illustrative survey, and it should take a dozen or so minutes to complete it - don’t panic :) Our goal here is to know you a little bit better before a possible interview.
If your application and the questionnaire meets our requirements, you’ll be invited to the next stage - meeting.
3. Come and talk with us - the job interview
OK, there’s the moment we all are waiting for the most - the meeting and job interview. We send you the invitation via email to not to interrupt you in case you still work in another place. This is why you should remember to check your mailbox.
The meeting usually takes 2-3 hour. I know it’s long, but there’s a reason for this. We want to hire people that fit our team the most. And also, we want you to feel great with us.
Candidates who want to fill the different position than Javascript Developer or Python Developer start the interview with a test which helps us to define your knowledge. Also, we especially searching for regular and senior specialist and checking the level of the skills takes longer.
The interview is lead by Team Leader and me - HR Manager - and has two parts. The first one is the soft one - we ask about your current experience, motivations and more (I keep you guessing ;)). The second part of the meeting is the tech one. You can expect questions of specific technology which you will be using on a particular position.
Also, you can ask your questions and dispel the doubts if something isn’t clear.
In the end, we will show you the office, and I will give you a little tour around the places we work. We want you to take a look at your future office ;)
4. Feedback
The feedback is gold. No matter what, you will get the feedback within the next two weeks since we met. The summary of the interview we send via e-mail to you. It will include your strengths as well as weak points to work on. From time to time we also add a few links where you can find some great tips and tricks and can complete your knowledge.
5. Job offer!
If you made it this far - congrats! You find the right place to work and the job offer is waiting for you in your mailbox. Check it out!
6. Onboarding process
Since you accept the offer, you’ll again end up in my hands! I’ll make sure your onboarding will go smoothly and painlessly. I’ll introduce you to the team and show your workplace. Also, together with your new Team Leader, we will have lunch in one of the local restaurants so we can get to know each other in the casual atmosphere.
Didn’t get the job? No worries!
If it didn’t work the first time, don’t give up. We have plenty of job posts that you can find on our careers page - feel free to contact us in a little while when you will polish your skills and be ready to give it another try.
I hope I’ve shed some light on Merixstudio recruitment process. It doesn’t sound so terrible and scary, does it? Don’t wait, jump on our careers page and apply :)
If any questions come up, I’m here for you - please contact me at jobs@merixstudio.com.
See you soon!
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