If you’re not familiar with the concept of Behavior Driven Development, be sure first to check out Dorota’s article covering this topic. In my article, I will focus specifically on BDD in Python with the use of behave framework.
What is behave?
First BDD framework, called JBehave, was developed by Dan North, the father of BDD. It was written for Java and was soon followed by RBehave, a Ruby version Dan helped create (later integrated with RSpec). RSpec was then replaced by Cucumber, which nowadays has implementations in many different programming languages, including Python.
Right now, the most popular Python BDD frameworks are behave and Lettuce. There are also other alternatives, such as radish (which has some quite interesting features) and pytest-bdd (a plugin for pytest). However, behave seems to have the biggest community, therefore you can find many examples and help online. With that in mind, I decided to stick with it.
Creating and installing the project
- Python 3,
- code editor and console.
I’d recommend using a virtualenv – if you’re not familiar with it, you can find an instruction how to create and use one here.
To install behave we simply have to use pip.
pip install behave
Then, we can create a directory for our project.
mkdir behave-example
And that’s it, we’re ready to write our first test!
Test scenario
Before we write any Python code, we need to prepare our test case first. Although there are no formal requirements regarding how exactly scenarios should be written, Gherkin is the most popular syntax for preparing them as it’s ubiquitous and has many useful features.
Gherkin test scenarios are placed in a .feature file, so remember to save the file with this extension. They consist of a few keywords that are necessary to run the tests – Feature, Scenario, Scenario Outline, Background, Examples, and steps keywords – Given, When, Then, And.
We start with Feature, where we state the title of our test case suite. It should be clear, explicit, and shortly describe the feature that is going to be tested. Optionally, under Feature we can provide the additional description that is usually written in a form of a user story. Each Feature can consist of multiple test scenarios, which will be executed one after another.
Scenario is where we write the test case, starting with a short description what our test is supposed to check. After that, we write test step starting with proper keywords.
Here’s an example of a .feature file I wrote:
Feature: Calculator
As an author of this article
I want to demonstrate
How to write a simple test using behave
with a calculator as an example
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 2 into the calculator
And I have also entered 7 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the sum should be 9
As you can see, this is a simple test case for adding two numbers in a calculator. We’ve got two preconditions that start with Given and And, then an action that is taken with When, and lastly, after Then, an outcome resulting from action in the previous step.
Now, that’s a good test case to check if our calculator adds correctly. However, we could use some more examples just to be sure. That would mean writing more scenarios with different sets of numbers, what would be quite time-consuming. We can use Scenario Outline and Examples for that. Let’s take a look:
Scenario Outline: Add any two numbers
Given I have entered <number1> into the calculator
And I have also entered <number2> into the calculator
When I press add
Then the sum should be <result>
| number1| number2| result|
| 5| 2| 7|
| 4| 8| 12|
| 100| 200| 300|
Examples are written in the form of a table, which has as many columns as parameters that we want to change in each scenario run. The first row contains names of the parameters that have to be the same as the ones used in steps.
Step definition
Now that we have our scenarios written, we can proceed and write an implementation of the test steps. Steps are written in a Python file and have to be placed in a separate directory /steps, so let’s make one and create our file there (make sure you are in your project directory first):
mkdir steps
cd steps
For steps to be properly interpreted, we have to import keywords from behave:
from behave import given, when, then
Now we can proceed with step implementation. Here’s my step definition for the scenario I presented above:
from behave import given, when, then
from calculator import Calculator
@given('I have entered {number1:d} into the calculator')
def enter_number1(context, number1):
context.number1 = number1
@given('I have also entered {number2:d} into the calculator')
def enter_number2(context, number2):
context.number2 = number2
@when('I press add')
def press_add(context):
context.calculator = Calculator()
context.result = context.calculator.add(context.number1, context.number2)
@then('the sum should be {result:d}')
def check_result(context, result):
assert context.result == result
Each step implementation starts with a decorator named with a keyword that was used in the test scenario and that takes the rest of the step as an argument. If test step contains a parameter, you should, optionally, tell the parser what type your parameter is (otherwise it will be interpreted as string). Syntax for step parameters is {param:Type}, so in case of a number you should write {parameter_name:d}. You can check the full list of parameter types here.
The decorated function expects to receive context as an argument and, additionally, parameters that are parsed from the test step. In case of my first step, number1 is a parameter, so I expect behave to pass it, together with context, as an argument to the function. You can name the function as you like but it should clearly describe what that step is supposed to do.
Context allows you to share values between steps, so if I set number1 as context attribute, I can use it in another step and add it to number2.
Test execution
Once we have test scenario and step definition, we can finally run our test. The most basic way of executing tests is just running behave command in the console (in your project directory). Behave will find all the test scenarios in your project and map them with proper step definitions. If scenario has Examples, each of them will be run as a separate scenario with a different set of values, so in my case I would have three scenarios executed.
What’s next?
Features that I've described here are not even a half of what you can do with behave. If you’d like to know more, stay tuned for the second part of my article, where I’ll describe how to use behave together with Selenium WebDriver. And, obviously, you can always check behave’s documentation.
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