Software Modernization

Transform applications with the user in mind

Speak with our expert

Flexibility-focused modernization for improved business agility

All applications go through a lifecycle - modernization is a journey, not a destination. A system that may not be considered legacy now may become outdated next year due to the pace of technological change, shifting skillset availability and cost, and changing business needs.

At Merixstudio, we help companies transform how their organizations work through tailored software modernization solutions. Our software architects and designers have years of experience in bringing systems up to date in a methodical manner oriented towards meeting modernization goals. 

Partner with us to evolve your applications and meet the expectations of your users.

Enhance efficiency

Streamline customer-facing processes to boost efficiency and reduce costs.

Tailor modernization plan

Create the perfect modernization scenario with our unique user-centric software modernization process.

Improve user experience & performance

Transform the experiences of your users and software performance with our cross-functional modernization team.

Ensure seamless integration

Connect your existing software seamlessly with SaaS platforms and other systems.

Minimize risk and cost

Utilize cloud technology to reduce risks and operational expenses.

Accelerate feature release

Speed up the deployment of new features, shifting from months to weeks.

Modernization strategies aligned with your goals and expectations

Businesses are different, and so are modernization strategies. One approach does not suit all. Learn more about our three methods for dealing with outdated software.

Lifting a portion of an entire existing application from your on-premise infrastructure and shifting it to the cloud with few or no modifications to the code.

Good, if you:

  • want to start with moving to the cloud
  • need minimal disruption to the application
  • can't change the application's architecture

What you get:

  • fastest modernization at lowest cost
  • no major changes = no unexpected costs
  • new horizon of leveraging cloud services

Making major changes to your application's code or configuration to move it to the cloud without impacting its external behavior; the architecture of the existing application remains unchanged.

Good, if you:

  • want to add features, improve performance, or scale the application, but it can't be done in the application's existing state
  • need to make important code changes to enable migration to the cloud

What you get:

  • reduced cost of future maintenance
  • good benefit-cost ratio fostering growth
  • stability and flexibility ensured by cloud solutions

Rebuilding your application from the ground up by creating new functionalities to replace and retire existing applications; includes updating the application architecture for a fully modern stack.

Good, if you:

  • use an application that is too old and outdated to spend any more time and money maintaining it
  • get more value from rebuilding an outdated application than sustaining it

What you get:

  • solution fully tailored to your needs
  • future-proof design created with maintenance in mind
  • stability and flexibility ensured by cloud solutions

User-centric modernization process

To meet modernization goals, strategy and tactics must work in tandem. With the well-structured process of creating a modernization roadmap come battle-tested techniques for achieving success in each phase.

Harness the power of our user-centric team approach and proven methods that lead to flawless software modernization.

Project discovery

What we do
Identify, map, and understand your business process
Learn your modernization goals
Deep knowledge of your product and processes
Scope of assesment

Current state

What we do
User discovery
Analyzing your system from the user perspective including available data analysis, observations and interviews with users
Tech discovery

Examining your system from the technical side, including architecture, critical areas of the solution and the technology used for its implementation
UX assessment report
Technical assessment report

Future vision

What we do
Discussing current state assessments’ outcomes
Conducting a few-days workshop session to define users needs + business needs + technical problems that will lead us to propose new solution
Current vs future state analysis
Concept of the new solution

Modernization roadmap

What we do
Determining modernization value
Defining priorities, estimating costs & planning next steps
Detailed roadmap & modernization plan
Requirements and scope of work for the first phase
Estimation & timeline for the first phase

Frequently asked questions

How does Merixstudio determine the cost of the legacy modernization?
Can you help me if the technology used by our application is not your specialty?
What do you need from my side to start the modernization process?
How do you choose the modernization approach?
Can you cooperate with our developers on the modernization process?

Match your big ideas with modern solutions that meet the expectations of their users.

Speak with our experts